Black IV HyperView - Demo
TLDR - HyperView:
HyperView is a powerful trading tool that helps traders make informed decisions by providing in-depth analysis of the options market. It uses proprietary algorithms to analyze the options chain and identify potential trades and offers a user-friendly interface and customization options for easy market monitoring and strategic decision-making.
Traders' Guide to HyperView:
HyperView is a comprehensive trading tool that offers in-depth analysis of the options market, including strike prices, expiration dates, and greeks. The tool uses proprietary algorithms to identify potential trades and offers various customization options to help traders easily monitor the market and make strategic decisions. Additionally, HyperView includes features such as "confluence" and "parsimony" to help traders navigate the complexities of the options market and make informed decisions. To get the most out of HyperView, it's important to check the tool tips on each feature, as they will be tailored to that specific tool and can help you weave it into your trading strategy or enhance your existing strategy.
Why Traders Care - HyperView:
Understanding the options market is crucial for traders looking to stay ahead of market trends and make profitable trades. The options market can serve as a leading indicator of stock market movements, providing valuable insights into potential market trends. However, the options chain is vast and can be difficult to monitor. HyperView makes it easy for traders to monitor the options market and incorporate this information into their trading strategy, whether they trade stock or options, to gain a competitive edge and increase profitability.
Trader’s Tip:
One of the quickest ways to learn our tool is to look at recent events and find the leading indicators from our tool. This section will highlight specific events and show how our tool can be used to identify potential trading opportunities.
SPY Event: On June 15th, 2022 and September 16th, 2022, the BIV, mid-term ATM Juice indicated a big move in the market. By monitoring this indicator, traders could have been alerted to potential opportunities for buying or selling.
GME Event: On January 17th, 2021, Greek Moons showed great potential, with OTM and DOTM flashing which preceded a big spike during GME mania in early 2021 and June 2nd, 2021. By paying attention to this indicator, traders could have been prepared for these market moves.
VIX Event: Between December 6th, 2021 and April 2022, the BIV and mid-term DOTM indicators were particularly active. By monitoring these indicators, traders could have identified potential opportunities in the market.
AMC Event: Between January 1st, 2021 and September 30th, 2022, the Mid, Mid-Term DOTM Juice was a leading indicator. By paying attention to this indicator, traders could have identified potential opportunities in the market.
BBBY Event: On August 8th, 2022, Greek Moons and mid-term OTM calls were active. By monitoring these indicators, traders could have identified potential opportunities in the market.
By studying these case studies, traders can see how our tool can be used to identify potential trading opportunities and how the indicators can vary by term period and security. It is important to note that past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and that traders should always conduct their own research and analysis before making any trading decisions.
The information provided on any Black IV products and services is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Trading and investing in financial markets carries a level of risk and past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Black IV, its affiliates, and associated individuals do not provide financial advice and are not registered as financial advisors. By using any Black IV products and services, you acknowledge and accept the risks involved in financial markets and agree to assume full responsibility for your trading and investment decisions.
Exclusive Access:
One-on-One Training with our Founder and Portfolio Engineer. Together, we'll work to optimize your trading strategy. Send us an email at or reach out to “BIV El Presidente” in the #Ground-Floor channel of our Discord.

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You've found the beginning of IV University (IVU)! This icon will be on each chart to give you a 'TLDR', a 'traders guide' for the tool, and a summary for 'why traders care' about it. IVU is designed to give you exactly what you need to know to trade with precision. For 1:1 training with our founder, reach out to 'ElPresidente' in the #Ground-Floor channel in our discord.
You can select a stock to load into the Hyperview dashboard from the dropdown list on the upper right of the dashboard.
Demo users can only access GME data.